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Woman with Bible


Who are we?

At Landmark Baptist Church, you will be welcomed by some of the friendliest people in Cleburne!  Our goal is to make you feel right at home as you worship with our church family, dedicated to following and serving our Lord Jesus Christ.

We are an Independent Baptist church that stands on the King James Bible and the great songs of the faith!  We are a church of imperfect people that have been saved by the wonderful grace of God.  We invite you and your family to join us for some joyful singing, sound teaching, and Spirit-filled preaching!

Pastor - Ty Campbell


I was born and raised here in Cleburne, TX and graduated from Cleburne High School in 2011.  After graduating high school, I took the next step in God’s will for my life and attended Tri-State Baptist College in Walls, MS.  I married my wife, Sommer, shortly after graduating from Tri-State Baptist College in the Spring of 2015.

Following our marriage, I spent the next five years serving as Assistant Pastor under two different Pastors in Texas and Kansas where I grew spiritually and learned valuable lessons about the ministry.  During this time, we were also blessed with our two beautiful daughters (Ava and Ella).  After several months of God dealing with my heart about Pastoring a church, He opened the door for my family and I to return to my hometown of Cleburne, TX and serve as Pastor here at Landmark Baptist Church.

Cleburne is and always has been my home!  I have a strong burden for this community and a burning desire to point people to Christ!  If you are looking for a church home, we would love the opportunity to meet you!


In Christ,

Pastor Ty Campbell

(817) 240-2686

Song Leader - Tom Newsome

At Landmark, we realize the importance of good music.  We stand on the great songs and hymns of the faith to worship God.   While the main event of every service is the preaching and teaching of God's word, music plays a vital role in edifying our congregation, worshipping God Almighty, and preparing our hearts for the sermon.  Music was created by God and for His glory (Colossians 1:16).

We are blessed to have Bro. Tom Newsome lead our congregational singing and choir here at Landmark Baptist Church!  We invite you to come worship with us!


Adult Sunday School - Corey Cooper


While preaching is often the focal point of the church services, the Bible also emphasizes the importance of teaching sound doctrine.  In fact, Jesus spent much of his earthly ministry teaching people as he traveled from town to town.  Throughout the Bible, you will find 107 times where we are told to "teach" others.  It's important to not only believe something, but to know why you believe it.

Here at Landmark, we are honored to have Bro. Corey Cooper teach our Sunday School at 10AM every Sunday morning.  This time is a great opportunity to dive a little deeper into God's word and start maturing as a Christian.

Youth Pastor - Dakota Hall

Teenagers are at a crucial point in their life.  They are approaching a crossroads where they will decide which direction their life will go.  With worldly influences constantly pulling our youth the wrong direction, God's church must do it's part in pulling them back to God.

Bro. Dakota and his wife, Gissell, have a heart for teenagers.  From teaching our teen Sunday School class, to personally investing in them on an individual level, they truly desire God's will for each and every teenager at our church.  They are a blessing to our teens and our church!


Children's Church - Ginger Newsome


Our children are the next generation!   It is our job (as parents and teachers)  to teach our children what God has for them at a young age.  The truths that are found throughout the Bible are for all ages.  Isaiah 54:13 says, "And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children."

We are proud to have Ms. Ginger teach our Children's Church every Sunday morning at 11 AM.  She has a heart for the kids and desires to teach them lessons from the Bible.  Because of the work that she does, our children are able to receive sound teaching and participate in singing and crafts while the adults are in the main service.

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